Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Site of the Week: Video Gaming is Good

Is it that time of the week already?

Site of the Week: Video Gaming is Good
Site URL:

Visit this site if...: If you're a gamer, and are tired of the negative press it receives, then this site is for you (especially if you don't always have the time to sit down to read about the latest gaming news, as the lads offer up their free podcast for all to enjoy!!)

Synopsis: OK, before I get into the details of the site, I have something to admit. I happen to be good mates with the guys who run this website and its podcast, so I can going to try and review it without prejudice. For all intents and purposes, and at the end of the day, i'm only offering up reviews of websites. It's up to you, as the reader, to decide whether to go to the sites I review. Now onto the review!

Firstly, the site was created by 2 guys; Darren (aka Ammo) and Lee (aka Sclozza), was born from the idea that video gaming has been receiving a lot of bad press, with society using video gaming as a scapegoat for some of the problems that are around (For example, anytime there's an incidence of juvenile violence, the fact that those involved may or may not have played video games is used as reasoning behind it, ignoring other factors such as parenting, peer pressure, etc). The guys, being seasoned gamers themselves (if there's a Street Fighter game that Ammo isn't invincible at, it hasn't been made yet), set about changing the image of video games, and focus on the positive side of gaming.

Upon visiting the page, you are greeted with their new logo (nice work Aaron!), and their catch phrase "We're not pro's". This is definitely the case as far as how long they've been doing podcasts, with episode 6 due out shortly. However, the guys are extremely knowledgable about video gaming and its related topics, with a combined total of 30-40 years worth of gaming between them (I don't think that would be over-estimating it either!).

The method by which they go about this is through a podcast, in which the guys go through some gaming-related news of the past fortweek (a term patented by Ammo meaning "a fortnight"), then indulge in a lively discussion over their chosen topic for the episode, then they conclude each episode with a recap of games that they're currently playing, as well as offer up their own "site of the week", which other gamers would find useful.

The beauty of this site is the podcast, and there are a couple of good reasons why. Firstly, you may not always have the time to sit in front of your computer to read about the latest gaming news (For me, this is especially true, as I have a full time job, and in my off time, I often find myself warming a couch watching sport), so being able to load up the episode onto my iPod Shuffle, and to have the freedom of listening to the episode anywhere, and at anytime, is certainly a benefit in my books. Secondly, its free, so all you need is a few minutes to download it and transfer it to your mp3 player, and you're all set.

Of course, you do not need to have a portable mp3 player to be able to listen to the podcast. You may just want to download it, then use a program like Windows Media Player to listen to the episode whilst browsing the web or doing something else on your computer. Infact, you don't need to download the episode if you don't want, as all topics covered are summarised in the post (however, you'd be missing out on some great stuff if you didn't give the podcast a listen).

On a final note, if you guys happen to read this review, I do expect a plug on your site! :)

Well, thats it from me for this week. Thanks for visiting, and don't forget to come back next week where i'll have another Site of the Week waiting for you!

Until then, goed tot ziens!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another good review Pete!
I concur, the site and related weblogs are excellent. They always manage to find some pretty interesting new articles to comment on. I've just downloaded the latest ep and look forward to listening to it soon.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 1:00:00 am  

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