Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Site of the Week on hiatus!

Hi all,

Just a quick update to say that i'll return to weekly updates once i've got rid of this stupid sinusitis once and for all, which will probably be a few more days at least.

In the meantime, if you have any good sites you'd like me to review/plug, let me know through the comments area below.

Until then!


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Site of the Week: DIME

Hi all,

Well, it's been a while. From my last Site of the Week, i've turned 28 (i'll update that in my profile some day), played Supa Golf, visited numerous relatives during the Xmas/New Year period, been to Burswood Casino, worked a fair bit, and also contracted a bout of sinusitis (which I am still getting over; the morning headaches being the worst of it).

Anyway, it's that time again, so here we go!

Site of the Week: DIME
Site URL:

Visit this site if...: I believe this is the first site of the week that touches on one of my great interests; music. But this site isn't a source for any kind of music. It's specialty is live concerts or live recordings of songs/sets. If music isn't your thing, you should probably stop reading now, and go back to browsing the web.

Synopsis: Up until a few years ago, live CD's and live recordings of songs were something that didn't interest me. Quite often what you heard on the radio or on the artists' main release CD was digitally altered to sound good, and when compared to their live performance, was much more preferable. Nowadays, whilst still not a huge fan of it, I am more tolerable of live performances, and in particular, acoustic sets such as the MTV Unplugged series, or more recently, the Foo Fighters' Skin and Bones album.

This is where DIME comes in. I first came upon this site's existence when reading FHM, and they had a special on musical websites. Like some other BitTorrent websites, this one requires you to create a username and password to be able to gain access to their database of torrents. Once you've done this, you'll realise this community have a very wide selection of music to get, ranging from acoustic to rap; dance to gospel and rock to ska. Basically, it has music genre categories to suit everyone.

I can't really vouch for the quality (bit rate, format, etc) of all files that are available for download through the torrents, as that is entirely dependant on the person who chooses to share the file, but if there are rare live recordings that you've been longing to listen to and get, this site is definitely a good start. And for legal reasons, the usual disclaimers are at the bottom of the main page to make sure everyone knows that the site itself doesn't host the music files; it merely allows people browse other people's shared files.

A nice, short and sweet review for the first review of 2007. I am now off to test 2 new acquisitions for my Nintendo Wii; Need for Speed Carbon and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz.

Until next week, good bye!


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Site of the Week....officially returns next week!

Hi all,

Due to a busy Xmas/New Year/Birthday, i've delayed updating until next week, when Site of the Week returns bigger and better than ever!!!*


*Site of the Week may not be bigger or better, so see a doctor if pain persists.