Monday, October 09, 2006

Site of the Week: The radius of ugly

Yep, you guessed it folks, its that time of the week again!

Site of the Week: The radius of ugly.
Site URL:

Visit this site if...: Ever had those days where you look in the mirror and think to yourself, "Damn, you are one sexy mutha f**ker!", only to be shot down in flames by the opposite sex, who have a far more subjective view of the situation? Are you the "ugly duckling" in a group of "beautiful swans"? Ever wanted to know how your taunts of "you ugly bastard!" affect the person in question? Well then this site is for you my friends, and trust me, you will not be disappointed!

Synopsis: A little caveat before I go into the details. Again, I happen to know the proprietor of this website, and I will attempt to be as unbiased as possible.

The website is run by a guy named Lee, who isn't the world's most unattractive man, but isn't exactly blessed with model looks either, who's motivation for starting and running this website is a tear-jerker if there ever was one! The guy's first attempt at asking a girl out was met with a swift, yet accurate, knee to the balls. I mean really, who does that?? For the guys reading this, i'll give you a minute to compose yourself (I once copped a cricket ball in the nether region when I was young, so I totally understand and feel for him). There are a couple of other reasons why he started this experiment/analysis, but i'll leave that to you guys to read up about.

Through these encounters, Lee has stumbled upon the theory that he dubs "The radius of ugly", which he simply says is an area around him that's "invisible to the naked eye whereby women will not exist under normal circumstances."

Armed with this substantial evidence, and being a university student with clearly too much spare time on his hands, he has setup this website as a way of documenting his day-to-day encounters (well, those days in which he actually has radius theory-related contact and evidence, which is normally 3 times a week), which has been running for 5 months now.

One of the best features of the site (in my mind), is when Lee does video replies to emails. Questions such as "What type of car do you drive?" to "What type of music do you listen to?" to personalised replies to emails questioning his sexuality and quirks. It gives the reader a better insight into the guy behind the website, and the ability to ask questions that might help you better understand why the women react to him in such fashion.

For male readers of this site, some of you will sympathise with Lee, and may have even gone through something similar. For the other male readers, like myself, it will provide an amusing read, and will make you appreciate the fact that this kind of behaviour does not happen to you (in one story, he gets called a rapist for crying out loud!).

For the female readers, this website could be an eye-opener as far as how a guy can react to some of the abuse you can dish out (Lee seems to me like a decent guy, and I know the girls who I work with are appalled at the way other girls seem to treat and react to him). For the same reason as for guys, the ladies can also find the website an amusing read too.

Well, thats it for me for another week. My brand spanking new iPod is due to arrive within the week (thank you to online poker for financing this purchase!), and I can't wait. Special hello goes out to Aaron and Chau, both of whom in the last month have made the journey from Western Australia to the British Isle. Keep in touch!

Until then, さようなら!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another good find, thanks!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:40:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pete, great blog, keep it up...

Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:42:00 am  

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